Episode 12: Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017
Demian Kendallmusic, brother, podcast, david bowie, prince, george martin, beatles, george michael, wham, run the jewels, rtj3, vampire weekend, flaming lips, lorde, hip hop, rap, albums, rock, country, brother brother brother, brother pod
Episode 11: Best Albums of 2016 Part 2
musicDemian Kendallmusic, podcast, brother brother brother, best of, albums, kevin morby, cymbals eat guitars, greys, whitney, a tribe called quest, angel olsen, mitski, margo price, chance the rapper, car seat headrest, rock, hip hop, rap, country
Episode 10: Sh***y Christmas Songs
Episode 9: Best Albums of 2016 Part 1
Episode 8: WTF is New Wave?
musicDemian Kendallnew wave, music, podcast, new order, joy division, devo, post punk, synth, punk, rock, brother
Episode 7: New Jersey
Episode 6: Trouble Boys: The True Story of the Replacements
Demian Kendallbrother, podcast, rock, rock and roll, replacements, trouble boys, bob mehr, tim, let it be, punk, blues, brother brother brother, biography, journalism, American band, album, song, bastards of the young, the replacements
Episode 5: Comfort Food Part 2
Episode 4: Comfort Food Part 1
Episode 3: The Sophomore Surge
Episode 2: The Sophomore Slump
Episode 1: Defend Your Year