Episode 20: The Origin Story

Three brothers. Three generations. One shared obsession: music. For our 20th episode, we’re telling the story of how we got here, a journey that spans three generations of musical discovery and obsession. In part, it’s the story of a nontraditional family forged at Pitchfork Fest and kept together by a decades-long conversation that is nonstop, neverending, and now in podcast form. It’s also the story of three lives spent in dusty record stores and beer-soaked concert venues, consuming, analyzing, judging, sharing, and transforming into the music zealots we are today.

If you like what you hear, take a listen to our Origin Story playlist, which only took three lifetimes to make: https://open.spotify.com/user/thebrotherpod/playlist/48TXgE7Ah3O6EBgyEr7PRx

Demian Kendall