Episode 75: Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018
For our first episode of the new year, Wyndham, Jeremy, and Christian are getting together to bid adieu to 2017 and hello to 2018. With the difficulties of 2017 behind us, we take one last look at the year in music, discussing some of our favorite songs and album covers, reminiscing about our first full year as a podcast, and taking a moment to remember the artists we lost this year. Setting our sights for 2018, we take a look at the music we’re most excited about in 2018 and tease out a few upcoming Brother Brother Brother features you can expect in the near future.
To cap off a long but musically-rewarding 2017, take a listen to our custom “Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018” podcast on Spotify and share your musical highlights with us on Twitter @thebrotherpod. https://open.spotify.com/user/thebrotherpod/playlist/27zQArAqlE2s5NbACrrbXQ